
About CaptainReboot.com

After working in a corporate environment for over  twenty five years , Rudy: owner and operator of Captain Reboot decided to apply his talents through his own company.  When asked why give up the security of a regular paycheck Rudy responded: “ I love what I do. I love to help and train people but I became disenchanted with the manner of which big box computer repair departments treat their customers. I have witnessed unsatisfied people walk away with their computers in one hand and an overcharged bill in the other. I have always wanted to help them out somehow.” Rudy has over ten years in the computer and networking field. He is designated as a Microsoft ® Certified Professional and a CompTIA A+ Professional. His most recent corporate assignment was to grow the computer, network and telecommunication systems of a small company of just 25 people and within 5 years have over 380 people throughout eight branches. After many late nights and countless hours he accomplished his corporate goals.

Rudy, now wants to help his community and fellow business owners achieve their goals.

Has your computer stopped responding to your commands?

Call today! We have ways to make your computer talk!

Call now at 661- 400 – 9337

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